Title: Sleek Black Hamper for Retention Marketing
Client: State of Retention Marketing is the world's first retention-first magazine to help brands grow businesses sustainably through riveting stories, use cases, and more.
Objective: To curate a sleek hamper for the attendees of an event for State of retention Marketing that-
- Custom branded goodies and box
- A personal keepsake and something sweet
Approach: We curated a sleek and minimal corporate hamper for the attendees of the event State of Retention Marketing. The hamper had three keepsakes – a custom branded tech organizer, a custom branded notebook and a glass sipper with a cork sleeve. The final product in the hamper was a box of cookies to give the entire hamper a sweet note.
From the client: “All we wanted was a sleek looking hamper in a black and silver theme. The contents of the hamper had to be gifts that can be utilized by our attendees and the tech organizer, sipper and book were just perfect for that reason. The box of cookies were just the right addition to this hamper that made it complete!”